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Blog – by Heidi Maltby


Så skete det endelig - mit og Mette's projekt, som vi har gået og snakket om i over 1.5 år blev til virkelighed. Mange overvejelser og undersøgelser, og så skulle al det praktiske gå op i en højere enhed. Men vi vidste, at vi sammen havde en kæmpe viden og ekspertise gennem mange års arbejde med kroppen.   Mette har i snart 40 år arbejdet med yogaBåde taget uddannelser og lært videre af sin viden og kunnen. Hun ejer det registrerede varemærke hvor hun har undervist tusindvis yogier gennem årene. Mette har i samarbejde med Hjernerystelsesforeningen udviklet en helt unik yoga terapeutisk traumeuddanelse, hvor jeg også underviser i et modul om ansigtets anatomi og ansigtsyogaøvelser.Hun ved derfor ALT om vores nervesystem og hvordan vi kan nulstille det. Hun guider dig trygt igennem hele workshoppen.  Man behøver ikke at have udøvet yoga før - alle kan være med.  Jeg selv bidrager med snart 20 års viden indenfor anatomi af hele kroppen og selvfølgelig også nervesystemet samt min egen erfaring med et flosset nervesystem efter min hjernerystelse i april 2023. Hver workshop starter med en indledende aromatisk øvelse, hvor man får viden om oliernes virkning på sindet. Mine rolige terapeutiske hænder kommer alle yogi'er til at mærke i slutningen af hver workshop, hvor Mette laver en guidede meditation og jeg går rundt og laver blide strøg og tryk med SMUKs OIL, som har en helt fantastisk duft der også virker terapeutisk.   Når nervesystemet trænger til en ekstra hånd  Vi vil så utrolig gerne hjælpe så mange som muligt, som har et nervesystem der trænger til lidt ekstra opmærksomhed. Vi er desværre en meget voksende målgruppe med både angst, senfølger af en hjernerystelse, stressramte eller folk der er ved at mærke stress symptomer og traumatiserede personer, som alle har et nervesystem der trænger til ro og kærlighed. Vi håber med disse workshops, som bliver afholdt en søndag i hver måned, vil hjælpe rigtig mange.     Hvad du får med digDu kommer til at gå derfra med et roligt nervesystem, nogle enkelte øvelser man kan lave derhjemme som nulstiller nervesystemet og sidst men ikke mindst får man en luksus toilettaske der indeholder forskellige produkter fra SMUK, værdi 450 kr.    På den måde kan du selv forlænge den skønne workshop til næste gang vi ser hinanden med selvforkælelse og øvelser til hverdagen.   Her kan du læse mere om hver workshop og tilmelde digWorkshop   Namaste,Heidi

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Overvejelser om ens eksistens på markedet

Blog – by Heidi Maltby

Considerations of one's existence in the market

ELIGIBILITY I have given myself a lot of thought as to whether SMUK still has its rightful place on the huge cream market. Maybe I've had too many hours of thinking in the last 16 months with the late effects of a bad concussion that has meant that I've had to pull the plug completely and later partially. It has taught me a lot and it has definitely turned my world upside down, both good and bad. I've really had time to reflect on a lot of things :-) In the 10 years I have basically been developing SMUK, I have had employees to help me with marketing and strategy as well as sales. I have hired countless specialists who had to come up with the golden words or strategic plans for how to conquer the large market in skin care. Keep in mind I've learned a lot from it all, but where did I go? THE START TO NOW From the time I started thinking about making my own products to now, so much has happened within skin care and marketing in that industry. From very few Danish brands on the market to today, where everyone makes their own line if they have a name or profile with a lot of followers. From very few organic brands and virtually no delicious organic brands to everyone now making organic and perfume-free products. You have to please the dealers all the time, so as not to be replaced a few months later by yet another new brand, etc. A SATURATED MARKET Today, the market is somewhat saturated and it has become a huge jungle to navigate as a consumer, but also for us specialists. SoMe has taken over and made insignificant brands famous despite the fact that in principle they really have nothing to offer in terms of skin care, but a lot of money is splashed in marketing on social media and on influencers. Everything is going incredibly fast and maybe we should just try to slow down a bit. This is how the world has become and it is not something we can change, but we must deal with it and its truth or lack thereof to that extent. STRESS AND WORRIES All these parameters are of course something that stresses and worries me all the time. As an entrepreneur and self-employed person, you must always be on the cutting edge - at least you feel it. That is why I also think that over the years it has been incredibly difficult to answer the absolutely essential questions that are asked time and time again by the specialists: Where do you see your brand in 2-5 years? What makes you unique compared to others in the market? Why do you think your products can contribute something unique compared to the other brands? Do your products have a justification in the market? Etc. etc. Good questions, but when we now have a market where there are already all types of products that are super good, it is actually difficult to answer and then you become unsure of yourself and what you are doing. HOPE AND NEW ENERGY Until I recently met someone who said some wise words and gave me renewed hope and energy. She pointed out that the skin care industry is no more saturated than, for example, bag or the clothing industry is. People always want to be inspired and see new things. And we humans all have individual needs and finances. She is so right about that. Then she asked me a different question than I have heard in the many years I have been in business. Heidi, what can you contribute to your products so that they are different from the others, and here we are not talking about ingredients, because they are the same for everyone? KEEP IT SIMPLE It got me thinking, but not really for very long. Because since my early days, I have always wanted to pass on my expert knowledge in skin care and pass it on in a single skin care routine - keep it simple. That's why I started making a very simple skincare range and still do. I just now have to focus much more on my expert knowledge and start conveying it to you. I will follow my heart much more than I have done before and this will probably also show on social media, where I no longer want to please the algorithm, but only make content I think is funny. WORKSHOPS I am also starting to do some workshops together with Denmark's most talented yogi, where we start from the individual self and our entire nervous system, breathing and mental state. Then finally follow along under Workshops and subscribe to our newsletter so that you are constantly updated.

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Hvornår tager huden bedst imod ansigtsprodukter?

Blog – by Heidi Maltby

When does the skin best accept facial products?

In a busy everyday life, there is not much time for the long, wonderful skin care routines. Maybe you just have time to spread a quick face cream on your face before you brush your teeth and are on your way. But wait a bit - perhaps you can optimize your skin care routine after all if you are aware of which products are absorbed best and when. Your morning beauty routine Your skin doesn't absorb products as well in the morning as it does in the evening. Therefore, it can be smart to ditch the really cool masks and heavy creams in the morning, and instead wait until the afternoon or evening. You don't have to ditch your skin care routine in the morning, but instead just apply a light serum and a light cream. During the day The production of new skin cells is at its lowest around lunchtime and you may therefore experience a worsening of skin conditions if you e.g. suffer from psoriasis or other forms of eczema. Your oil production, on the other hand, is at its peak, and the skin can therefore feel oilier - and look shinier, around the forehead, nose and chin. Here you can use a face mist around 1 pm to prevent the shiny and greasy look. Around 4pm, the skin is particularly good at absorbing active substances, so if you have time for it, it's a good idea to book a facial or apply a nourishing mask/serum. Naturally on a cleansed face. When darkness falls Your skin is most balanced in the afternoon and evening. The pores are more open, and you can give it gas with fat, nourishing creams, serums and masks. Skin renewal is most active from 9 p.m. to 3 a.m., while the production of new skin cells is at its peak around midnight. Good skin care routines are important, but secondary to your beauty sleep. Remember the beauty sleep, so that your products can have the optimal effect during the day and night.

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Solcreme - fysisk eller kemisk solfilter?

Blog – by Heidi Maltby

Sunscreen - physical or chemical sunscreen?

Before long, the summer holiday is well and truly over and you may want to take a trip to a holiday home or to a warmer destination where the UV index is extra high. It is therefore a very good idea to get a handle on which sunscreens to buy for yourself - and possibly also for the rest of the family. We have tried to describe the advantages and disadvantages of the chemical (synthetic) and physical (mineral) filters. The chemical and physical filters In short, sunscreens consist of a physical or chemical filter, or a combination of both. Regardless of whether you choose one or the other filter, they limit the sun's harmful UVA and UVB rays. There is just a difference in how they do it. The dangerous rays of the sun UVA is present all year round, even in the shade and in cloudy weather. And they can also penetrate glass. UVA accounts for 95% of total UV radiation. UVA penetrates deep into the skin layers and can damage our DNA. This is seen in premature aging of the skin (wrinkles) or, in the worst case, skin cancer. They exist in short and long rays - it is the short UVA rays that are the most dangerous. UVB is the sun's ultraviolet rays and is very powerful. It accounts for only 5%. UV A = A larm watch out for your DNA → skin cancer, UV B = B burnt skin (the worst) → skin cancer and sun allergy. Physical filter The physical/mineral filter lays like a thin film on the skin and acts like a mirror that reflects the sun's rays. In this way, it prevents the sun's harmful rays from penetrating the skin. Advantages of sunscreen with a physical filter * The physical filter protects against UVA (the short rays and UVB) * They do not irritate the skin around the eyes * Does not contain hormone-disrupting substances * Does not damage the corals in the world's oceans * Does not penetrate the skin but only sits on top * Works immediately, so you don't have to wait twenty minutes to go out in the sun * Good for children and people with delicate skin Disadvantages of sunscreen with a physical filter * They can leave a white cast on the skin - this often disappears quickly, however * They can get a little greasy depending on how much sunscreen is in and which mixture is used * May be a little more difficult to distribute on the skin * You have to be extra careful about applying enough sun cream, as the sun cream sits on top of the skin and is therefore easily washed off when bathing and sweating. * Does not protect against the long UVA rays Chemical filter In contrast to the physical filter, the chemical filter does not lie on top of the skin, but penetrates into the skin. In this way, the sun does not reach the lower layers of the skin and cause damage. The chemical sun filters, unlike the physical ones, cannot be seen on the skin, and this may be one of the reasons why some people prefer the chemical filters to the physical ones. Advantages of chemical filter * Some people find it easier to apply * Protects against all the sun's dangerous rays Disadvantages of chemical filter * Can cause allergies and be hormone disrupting * May sting and irritate the eye area * Contains chemistry * May contribute to exterminating the corals in the world's oceans Which factor should I use? It rarely pays to buy a factor that is higher than factor 30 if you are going to sunbathe in Denmark. If you use a factor 30, you are protected against 93% of UVA and UVB rays and you only get 2% more protection if you e.g. uses a factor of 50. But on the other hand, there is often 50% more chemistry in factor 50%. When the "base color" has been applied, you can settle for a factor 15, which you must remember to apply regularly. Factor 15 is good to use all year round. If you are traveling south, and thus closer to the equator, you must remember to lubricate yourself even more times a day. Both because you often bathe more and to be sure that the sunscreen has its optimal strength. It may be a good idea to apply, wait 20 min., and apply again. A small pin with factor 50 is good on the bridge of the nose. Waterproof sun products Regardless of whether you choose a sun product that is water-repellent or water-resistant, you must be aware that no product lasts all day long as you bathe, swim, sweat and dry yourself with a towel. There are currently no legislation that dictates when a product can be called waterproof, so it is entirely up to the manufacturer to assess when their products - that is, according to themselves, are waterproof. For the little ones There are always very strict rules for sunscreens for children in Denmark, as their skin is more delicate than that of adults. Therefore, sunscreens for children also do not allow chemical filters, as they can cause allergies and are suspected of being hormone disruptors. Feel free to choose a sunscreen for your children that is Swan-labelled, they do not allow endocrine-disrupting substances in children's sunscreen. Remember - there is also other useful advice in relation to how you can protect your children from the sun's rays - shade and light clothing are also a really good idea. It also applies to avoiding the sun during the hottest hours, between 12.00 and 15.00, and to avoid burns, as this is where the skin really takes damage.

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Kan pollenallergi påvirke din hud?

Blog – by Heidi Maltby

Can pollen allergies affect your skin?

Most of us are probably familiar with slightly itchy and swollen eyes, breathing problems, a scratchy throat and lots of sneezing when the pollen season really starts in March. The season lasts all spring and summer, and only ends around August/September. Some of us are not affected at all, while others have to take various means to soothe the various reactions to pollen allergies. What we all have in common is that it is super important to have the right skin care when challenges arise for our delicate and sensitive skin. How does pollen allergy affect the body? Our immune system will naturally try to fight the pollen that we can get too much of. The immune system produces histamine, which is pumped out into the blood vessels and distributed in the skin, so that it can fight the pollen that causes trouble. However, the large amount of histamine can cause irritation/inflammation, which in turn can lead to sensitive skin. If you e.g. suffer from the skin disease rosacea, you may find that the pollen season triggers an outbreak. Seasonal allergies, such as pollen allergies, can cause hives, dry patches and eczema. When the skin is irritated, it can start to itch, and it is difficult not to "itch back". It can leave the skin with scratches and wounds that can become inflamed. As a common term, the type of irritated and itchy skin is called 'atopic diathesis'. Atopic diathesis – learn to limit an outbreak With atopic diathesis, the skin becomes red and sensitive, and often there are also small dry bumps that itch. The skin may become so irritated that it may bleed slightly. You may also have swollen eyes that become red and itchy, all of which are caused by inflammation of the skin. Therefore, avoid touching the eyes, as it will only get worse. Take care of your skin During the periods when the allergy is on, you may experience extra or clearer wrinkles/lines. Again, it is the inflammation in the body that shows itself. When the skin becomes dry and irritated, tiny tears can appear, which also dehydrate the skin. Therefore, please use skin care that is soothing, cooling and moisturizing. We recommend our light and super nourishing day cream, that has a calming effect and contains SPF15. And to your dry and cracked hands that are ours hand cream with coconut oil, coconut oil, ginger and cucumber soothing and nourishing. Your lips are also extra exposed with allergies and atopic diathesis - therefore use a lip balm that is super moisturizing and protects your lips. In the worst cases, you may have to apply cream from the doctor (hydrocortisol) so that the tears heal without inflammation. Studies also show that people who have suffered from childhood eczema in the early years are more likely to develop seasonal allergies later in life. You must do this when the first symptoms appear... 1. Stay indoors whenever possible. 2. Close the windows. 3. Wash the bedding often. 4. Reduce stress so you reduce the histamine in your body. 5. Use mild beauty products. 6. Avoid AHA, scrubs and other active ingredients that can irritate the skin. 7. Eat an anti-inflammatory diet before, during and after the pollen season, so that the body is better strengthened against inflammation. 8. Feel free to take oil as a dietary supplement, so that the skin is optimally moisturized from the inside when the pollen season dehydrates the skin. 9. Use creams that contain plenty of moisture and nourishment.

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BALM all in one

Blog – by Heidi Maltby

BALM all in one

We have created this balm which can be used for almost anything. It can clean your skin with, among other things. almond oil and shea butter that dissolve dirt and make-up. It moisturizes your skin both in the outermost layers with Kukui oil, which forms a membrane and keeps the moisture in the skin, but also in the innermost layers due to the high content of Squalene. It nourishes your skin with the delicious oils that contain both unsaturated and essential fatty acids from e.g. Kukui oil and ginger oil. It protects your skin with the many antioxidants from tangerine, mango and beeswax. Mango and mandarin give an uplifting effect on the mind with their lovely fresh scents, while carrot (beta-carotene) gives a beautiful color and contributes to the fight against free radicals. Q10 protects against early aging of the skin and at the same time stimulates collagen production in the skin, which makes it firmer. In addition, it helps the skin cells to get rid of waste products better, so that a dull and gray skin gets more glow and radiance. It is fantastic when using gua sha and facial massage. As a daily cleanser, weekly moisturizing mask, under face cream or as an eye balm. Can also be used to collect dry and curly hair. If your body needs extra pampering - it is wonderful on the WHOLE body. BALM is very slow to use, so use only a small dab (little finger nail). If you are going to use it as a face mask, use more of it. Can be cleaned with lukewarm water on a washcloth or cotton pad. Natural 100% Organic 70% Perfume free It is available in 2 sizes 15 ml. and 100 ml. Can be purchased here MAIN INGREDIENTS Kukui oil, Mango seed butter, Squalane, Mandarin oil, Shea butter, Ubiquinone (Q10), Tocopherol (vit-E), Ginger oil, Carrot root extract, Beta-Carotene, Almond oil, Beewax

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Blog – by Heidi Maltby


We are so incredibly lucky that summer looks set to continue a little longer. We just had a heat wave and it looks like the heat will continue this week. This means that our delicious sun-kissed skin is still fine, and maybe you don't need as much make-up as you usually do. As always, you need plenty of moisture and of course one of our favorite products - GOLDEN MOMENTS. A small product with lots of functionality GOLDEN MOMENTS is one of our smallest products purely in terms of size, but with so many good properties that size doesn't matter. Moisturizes, cares and protects The small glass jar that GOLDEN MOMENTS comes in is packed with delicious oils and a high content of vitamin E. The creamy consistency stays on the skin without appearing sticky and with a quick dab on the cheekbones, in the corner of the eye or on the cupid's bow, you are guaranteed a fine golden, glittery touch. GOLDEN MOMENTS is filled with a small and completely natural mineral that works wonders for sun-kissed summer skin. In addition, it is packed with ingredients that moisturize, care and protect. The natural mineral, MICA In addition to ingredients that moisturise, care and protect, it is the mineral MICA that makes GOLDEN MOMENTS something special. Use it as a highlighter on selected areas of the face or on collarbones, shoulders or shins. And enjoy the last few days of summer in the meantime.

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Enzymer i din hudpleje

Blog – by Heidi Maltby

Enzymes in your skin care

Enzymes. A word you cannot avoid when we talk about skin care. But what are these enzymes and does it make sense to invest in skin care with enzymes? Enzymes are a chemical. They can help break down proteins and sugars - at least if we're talking about the enzymes found in your mouth. Perhaps you have heard of people who repeatedly get cavities in their teeth? One of the reasons may be the lack of some special enzymes in the saliva that help to counteract caries. On the other hand, if we talk about enzymes in relation to skin care, you often use enzymes from fruits such as papaya, pineapple and pumpkin. These help to break down the creatine protein. Creatine and its importance for your skin The dead skin cells that lie on the surface of the skin consist primarily of creatine. And we want to get rid of the dead skin cells so that the "new and fresh" ones can emerge. Dead skin cells - and thus creatine - can easily give the skin a slightly greyish tone and dry surface. If you add enzymes to your skin, the creatine breaks down so that the dead skin cells disappear. In principle, everything goes slower the older you get, and the breakdown of the skin is no exception. It is therefore smart to help the skin on its way and, in this case, to get rid of the dead and useless skin cells. Here you will find your new enzyme products The enzymes can either be added to your creams, skin tonics or various masks. As it is only the dead skin cells that are broken down, enzymes are really good for exfoliating in a gentle way. Our 3IN1 is a multi-product that has just been made to exfoliate your skin in a mild and gentle way. 3IN1 removes the dead skin cells with the help of a powerful papaya complex, which - after cleansing - also with 3IN1, is applied in a thick layer. The complex and the enzymes thus work by breaking down the dead skin cells and making room for new and active cells. After 10 minutes, your skin is exfoliated and at the same time moisturized using the base of cucumber and marine peptides from seashells. Enzymes are your friend when it comes to skin care. And it's just about getting started.

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Kollagen - hvad kan det gøre for din hud?

Blog – by Heidi Maltby

Collagen - what can it do for your skin?

One of the big trends when we talk about skin and beauty care is collagen. It is said to be good for a lot of processes in the body and not least for our skin. But what is collagen and why can it be good for you? Everyone has natural collagen in the body and in fact it is one of the most important building blocks for us. The natural collagen in the body makes up a third of the body's proteins and forms the basic foundation for e.g. bones, muscles, tendons and blood vessels. So your body forms collagen itself and uses it for important internal resources. How can collagen affect my skin? As a naturally occurring protein in the body, collagen is instrumental in maintaining the skin's most important functions. The challenge for the skin is that the skin cells' production of collagen decreases with age, which is a contributing factor to why we develop wrinkles. Research is therefore currently being conducted into whether adding collagen to creams and dietary supplements has a visible effect. There is still a lack of evidence and research in the field, but something, in the slightest, could indicate that dietary supplements with collagen can increase the density of the skin's collagen. Further studies have indicated that fibroblast cells, which form part of the connective tissue, respond to collagen peptides by to increase cell division and the formation of new cells. And more cells and an increase in new cells is something you can hope for when it comes to beauty, as it helps to inhibit signs of aging. So far, it can therefore indicate that your body - and especially your skin and bones, benefit from collagen from a dietary supplement. More and more manufacturers have launched collagen products on the market and they are available in all kinds of flavors and with different antioxidant boosters. Most collagen manufacturers extract the collagen from the liver lobe, as it contains many proteins. In the past few years, several manufacturers have chosen to extract the collagen from fish skin. They claim that if you extract the collagen from skin (fish skin) type 1, then the collagen supplement becomes more targeted towards our own skin. However, it must be added that type 1 collagen is good for skin, hair, nails, muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, teeth, gums, eyes and blood vessels. That is, if our body lacks collagen in bones or tendons, then the collagen is used where it is needed and not in the skin. Therefore, you have to take collagen supplements for many months before you see the final result. The body is fantastically arranged, so it therefore uses the collagen where it is most important and when the task is completed, it uses the collagen elsewhere. If you buy collagen that comes from fish, there may be a slight fishy taste, but often the collagen is mixed with freeze-dried fruit to give a better taste and milder taste. In addition, a lot of antioxidants have also been added. Some are neutral in taste, some can tolerate being in hot liquids, while others taste a little fruity and cannot tolerate heat. Try yourself out - there is something for every taste.

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Er din hud klar til skiferie?

Blog – by Heidi Maltby

Is your skin ready for a skiing holiday?

Are you one of the lucky ones who will soon be going on a wonderful skiing holiday? Snow, sun and frost are classic elements of a skiing holiday, but your skin may need a little extra care to prepare itself for the new temperatures and the bright sun. Your face is also on skis Now you have to be outside all day in frost and hopefully sunshine. It can be a bit of an upheaval for the skin. Although the body is covered in ski clothing, the face is exposed to the cold. And especially if you are on the slopes for a long time. And when you come in for après-ski, it's suddenly warm and nice, and your skin has to get used to going from freezing to warm. Prepare yourself before you leave Just as you have, hopefully, prepared yourself physically to go on a skiing holiday, it is also a really good idea to prepare your skin. Already a few weeks before departure, start cleaning and moisturizing your skin. With an enzyme peeling small channels are made down to the subcutaneous tissue so that you can really moisten it. Feel free to use a daily moisture serum that really boosts and moisturizes, so that the skin is well hydrated before you leave. Feel free to also use a face oil after your serum. If you think oil is greasy on the face, you can advantageously mix a drop of oil into your serum or day cream. If you are into beauty tools, give it gas. Whether you use a facial roller or a gua sha stone , have a product underneath. Preferably an oil or a balm, as they work well with beauty tools, so you don't stretch the skin. With beauty tools, you work the products into the skin and release the skin's natural hyaluron, which moisturizes from within. When you're on the slopes Start by cleansing your skin and then give it all it can get from products that moisturize. Serum, oil, day cream (or day cream mixed with oil) eye cream, lip balm and finally sunscreen unless you use a day cream with SPF . We always recommend an organic sunscreen with a physical sun filter of spf 15 or spf 30, as it is the best for you and the environment. You must also choose products that do not contain water or at least very little water. Both ours COOLING LIP BALM , FACE RICH and OIL no water is added in. In our SERUM there is only very little water in it. FACE RICH is a very rich face cream based on oils and natural SPF15. Ideal for a skiing holiday. When you need to sleep Cleanse the skin and give it plenty of moisture and nourishment for the night (serum and oil). If you have a moisturizing mask, feel free to use it during the week. In this way, you prepare the skin for the next day of skiing. Drink plenty throughout the day Even though it is cold, our skin dehydrates quickly in the cold. We forget to drink water when it's cold. At the same time, we are active all day on the slopes, so drink plenty of water and you will help your skin stay hydrated.

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En bedre nattesøvn

Blog – by Heidi Maltby

A better night's sleep

What can we do ourselves? Do you lie and toss and turn for an hour or two before you can fall asleep, maybe even until – at 4 or 5 o'clock, before you feel like you're "properly" falling asleep, but you never feel rested?  Then you share the fate of 400-500,000 other Danes with sleep problems.  There can be many reasons for sleep problems, both physical and psychological. Sleep problems are often the first sign that something is out of balance. Sleep problems are often linked to worries, stress, but also mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and PTSD, i.a. because we produce too much cortisol. The modern information society with many inputs and expectations that we are "on" around the clock also creates sleep problems for many. DID YOU KNOW... You sleep approx. a third of your life. A total of 20-30 years. When you sleep, you recharge your body and your psyche for a new day's impressions. Sleep prevents stress, anxiety and depression. Sleep improves the immune system, strengthens memory and creativity. Sleep causes the growth hormone melatonin to rise. When it rises, serotonin and cortisol levels fall.  1. Make sleep a pleasure, something you look forward to. See it as something positive. 2. Sleep strengthens both your body and your mind, because the formation of growth hormones increases during deep sleep and the amount of stress hormones decreases. It requires between 7-8 hours of sleep. 3. A good sleeping environment is important.  A good mattress, a nice duvet and pillow, even the bed linen should feel nice. It must be dark - here you can, for example, use blackout curtains or ours sleeping mask to shut out the light.  It must be quiet - no disturbing elements, use ear plugs.  The scent of lavender is scientifically proven to have a calming effect. A small drop on the pillow is enough. You can also put a drop on an electric bulb so that the whole room smells or the sleeping mask can have a calming scent of lavender. The bedroom must be approx. 20 degrees.  4. An hour before going to bed, try to lie down and relax. Relax with something comfortable and soothing, e.g. quiet music, reading, a warm bath or meditation. Dimming the lighting at the end of the evening can also help. Drop the television, tablet, mobile phone or computer. They emit blue light, which signals to the brain that you must be awake.  Please use 15 min. on yourself. Have a nice facial massage so that you can release the tension of the day. You can either use your hands or a nice one face roll with an estimate oil under. 5. Avoid caffeinated drinks after 16.00 (coffee, tea, cola or energy drinks). Avoid alcohol and smoking, as this can also disrupt sleep. 6. Maintain a regular circadian rhythm. Get up at a fixed time, go to bed at a fixed time. The most important thing is, if you cannot keep to the time, it is the length of the sleep itself. It should preferably be the same every day. 7. Remember to get exercise, preferably min. 30 minutes a day. It provides better sleep but also strengthens your physical and mental health. We should preferably burn some of our activity substances, so that the energy is gone in the evening. 8. During the day, you can practice "falling away". Try 3 times a day if you can sit in e.g. 5 minutes and disconnect completely. In this way, you can teach the body to "fall down" without panicking, but that it is turned into something positive. 9. Go to bed neither hungry nor overfull. A stable blood sugar helps to provide calm, undisturbed sleep. 10. The bedroom is only for sleep and sex, so don't bring worries to bed. Feel free to use time in the evening to write down concerns and suggestions for solutions. It can also be the next day's work. Often this in itself has a calming effect. 11. If ruminations and restlessness still appear and you can't sleep and are stressed by the thought, try teaching yourself a strip of a mantra that calms you down. Repeat it over and over until you feel calm. It can, for example, be "I've written down everything I need to remember tomorrow, I'm lying nicely in this soft bed, it's ok I just lie here with my eyes closed, it's almost as good as if I was asleep". It must be something nice and positive. 12. If nothing helps and you can feel yourself becoming more and more awake and stressed, leave the bed and sit somewhere else in dim lighting or feel yourself calm down and then try again.

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BODY BUTTER - din førstehjælp til tør sensommer-hud

Blog – by Heidi Maltby

BODY BUTTER - your first aid for dry late summer skin

After a long and lovely summer, there is nothing better than starting to care for the skin again. Perhaps you have relaxed a little on your regular skin care routines over the summer and have instead concentrated on the sun, summer and bathing? The month of August is an excellent month to get a handle on the routines again - remember plenty of water and nourishing oils to moisturize from the inside, and also remember to be good to your body - and not just the skin on your face. Aromatherapy in the bath Start with a nice warm bath, but it doesn't have to be WAY too hot, as the heat is also drying. Feel free to use a delicious and organic scrub for the body, which removes all the dead skin cells that make the skin appear gray and sad. If you're into aromatherapy, feel free to buy an organic aromatherapy scent in a health food store - smell what works for you. Lavender works, for example. super relaxing, while peppermint is invigorating. Scent yourself and pour a few drops into the bath water - whether it's in the tub or at the bottom of the shower. End your lovely slow-down routine with our super moisturizing and nourishing BODY BUTTER. BODY BUTTER It can be used by all skin types and is particularly suitable for dry, tired skin. Kukui nut oil gives the cream a rich and soft texture that makes it easy to spread. It is non-greasy, but dries quickly and you can also use it to massage tired legs. Aloe vera adds plenty of moisture and is, as you know, super healing and effective for sun-damaged skin. Ginger helps restore the skin's glow and elasticity, and promotes skin elasticity. Mandarin is a strong antioxidant with a mild and fresh scent. Use: Massage the product from head to toe with special emphasis on elbows, knees and cuticles on both hands and feet. Tips: Can also be used as a face mask. Spread an even layer on the face and let it sit for 10-20 min. It absorbs well, but please help it by massaging your face. Wash off with lukewarm water after approx. 5-10 minutes and apply your favorite face cream.

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GOLDEN MOMENTS - glow til din hud

Blog – by Heidi Maltby

GOLDEN MOMENTS - glow for your skin

We love multi-purpose products that can be used in multiple ways. In this way, you save both on the purchase of new products, but you also save on space when you e.g. must go out and travel. And it's just easier to have a small toiletry bag with you that contains exactly the products that suit you and your skin rather than a lot of products that can do a bit of everything but not the whole thing. A small product with lots of functionality GOLDEN MOMENTS is one of our smallest products purely in terms of size, but the n simply has so many great features. It's a little lifesaver when you're on the go. Moisturizes, cares and protects It is filled with the most delicious oils and has a high content of vitamin E. It stays on the lips without feeling sticky and it contains a lot of ingredients that both moisturises, cares and protects. The natural mineral, MICA GOLDEN MOMENTS has a delicious shimmer effect because it contains the natural mineral, mica. Use it on the lips to get a shine and glitter effect or dab it on, for example. in the corner of the eye, above the cupid's bow or on the cheekbones to highlight. If you are wearing a low-cut dress or your collarbone is exposed, you can also dab a little GOLDEN MOMENTS on there. It can also be on the summer brown shins. So you care for your skin while it glistens in the sun. Read more about GOLDEN MOMENTS here.

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Findes den perfekte hudpleje-rutine?

Blog – by Heidi Maltby

Is the perfect skin care routine found?

Naturally, we get a lot of questions about skin care. General questions about general skin care, but also more specific questions that can be difficult to answer unless you are standing right in front of us in the store on Gammel Kongevej. A skin analysis is really difficult over the phone, e-mail and/or Instagram, so we have put together a few good general tips for your beauty routine. Remember to drink plenty of water, so you are sure that you are well filled up inside. Take the nutritional supplements that best support you, your health and your diet. Get moving, but be careful with the extra hard exercise, as it can break down your immune system before it builds up again. Although it can be difficult to get proper quality sleep, prioritize your sleep anyway, as this is where you regenerate. And then you have to provide the external moisture and nourishment! The daily cleaning There are divided opinions about how often and how much you should clean your skin. We believe that you should always adapt skincare routines and products to your skin. Having said that, daily cleansing is important - both morning and evening. In the evening, you wash off make-up, the day's pollution and sweat, while in the morning you clean off the night's waste products and dead skin cells. Whether you prefer gel, foam or an oil-based cleansing product is entirely up to you and your skin. As long as your cleaning product cleans through, you are well on your way. Enzyme peeling If you do not suffer from eczema or other skin diseases, you can benefit from an enzyme peeling 1-2 times a week. It is the active enzymes that really clean the skin in depth and remove the dead skin cells. Where a peeling with grains only works on the surface to remove the dead skin cells, the enzyme peeling does the work for you. At the same time, it makes channels down to your subcutaneous tissue so that the subsequent products penetrate more easily. Avoid exfoliating right before going out in the sun. Pamper the skin with plenty of moisture from the morning A serum is a small bomb filled with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Our own SERUM won the award for best Danish product in 2017 at the Danish Beauty Awards and is therefore one of our most popular products. Perhaps because it is a mixture between a serum and an oil, so it is easy to spread, but perhaps even more importantly, it penetrates quickly and you can easily apply the next product in your skin care routine. Regardless of brand preferences, a serum is a good investment. Give the skin lots of delicious nourishment after you've moisturized it To really seal in the good moisture you've got from your cleanser and serum, we recommend plenty of nourishment with a face oil. They are usually easy to work with and you can use your oil with a beauty tool, e.g. a facial roller or a gua sha stone. Face oil can be used under your face cream, a drop or two in your face cream or alone at night. It protects the skin in winter from cold and in summer from dehydration. If you still feel that you lack moisture or nourishment, which is perhaps most true in the winter period with the colder temperatures, then use a delicious face cream. Feel free to choose one with a lot of good, nourishing and organic ingredients, so that your skin is guaranteed the best of the best. Unfortunately, there are several manufacturers who add a lot of water to their creams - avoid this, especially in winter, so you don't risk blood vessels bursting.

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SOMMERTID og Beauty sleep mask

Blog – by Heidi Maltby

SUMMER TIME and Beauty sleep mask

Finally, the light is coming back and summer time is at the door. This means brighter nights and even earlier mornings. On March 28th, it was officially Daylight Savings Time, which as always means it gets dark later, which can be annoying if you have trouble falling asleep. However, we have found a really delicious solution to the summertime problem - a solution that is both comfortable, sustainable and easy to take with you, regardless of where the bright light teases you. Soft, sustainable and your new best sleeping friend Beauty sleep mask is a soft and unique sleeping mask made from vintage Japanese kimonos from the 1920s and 30s. All masks have different prints and colors on both sides, and silk inside and outside for extra comfort. The materials in the Beauty sleep mask are 100% natural and there is therefore room for the skin to breathe freely and the eyes to get the rest they need. Handmade with the finest details The masks are also hand-sewn and upcycled in Frederiksberg, and comfort and convenience have really been thought about. You won't find any strings that tighten or annoying seams - the masks come in the softest and most beautiful materials. Take your Beauty sleep mask with when you need a moment's rest. It comes in a nice little bag, so you can easily carry it with you in your bag. And then enjoy that summer is finally on its way! The masks cost DKK 649 and can be bought right here. Wash your Beauty sleep mask gently on a wool wash at 30 degrees if it gets dirty.

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Pollenallergi sæson

Blog – by Heidi Maltby

Pollen allergy season

Can pollen allergies affect your skin? Most of us are probably familiar with slightly itchy and swollen eyes, breathing problems, a scratchy throat and lots of sneezing when the pollen season really starts in March. The season lasts all spring and summer and only ends around August/September. Some of us are not affected at all, while others have to take various means to soothe the various reactions to pollen allergies. What we all have in common is that it is super important to have the right skin care when challenges arise for our delicate and sensitive skin. How does pollen allergy affect the body? Our immune system will naturally try to fight the pollen that we can get too much of. The immune system produces histamine, which is pumped out into the blood vessels and distributed in the skin, so that it can fight the pollen that causes trouble. However, the large amount of histamine can cause irritation/inflammation, which in turn can lead to sensitive skin. If you e.g. suffer from the skin disease rosacea, you may find that the pollen season triggers an outbreak. Seasonal allergies, such as pollen allergies, can cause hives, dry patches and eczema. When the skin is irritated, it can start to itch, and it is difficult not to "itch back". It can leave the skin with scratches and wounds that can become inflamed. As a common term, the type of irritated and itchy skin is called atopic diathesis. Atopic diathesis – learn to limit an outbreak With atopic diathesis, the skin becomes red and sensitive, and often there are also small dry bumps that itch. The skin may become so irritated that it may bleed slightly. You may also have swollen eyes that become red and itchy, all of which are caused by inflammation of the skin. Therefore, avoid touching the eyes, as it will only get worse. Feel free to use a cold face roll that has been in the fridge around the eyes. It causes the blood vessels to constrict, so the swelling disappears more quickly. See our different rolls here . During the periods when the allergy is on, you may experience extra or clearer wrinkles/lines. Again, it is the inflammation in the body that shows itself. When the skin becomes dry and irritated, tiny tears can appear, which also dehydrate the skin. Therefore, please use skin care that is soothing, cooling and moisturizing. Our LIGHT and RICH face creams contain prebiotics which can have an effect on inflammation in the skin as well as red willow bark which has a calming effect. In the worst cases, you may have to apply cream from the doctor (hydrocortisol) so that the tears heal without inflammation. Studies also show that people who have suffered from childhood eczema in the early years are more likely to develop seasonal allergies later in life. You must do this when the first symptoms appear... 1. Stay indoors whenever possible. 2. Close the windows. 3. Wash the bedding often. 4. Reduce stress so you reduce the histamine in your body. 5. Use mild beauty products without perfume. Here, 3IN1 can be recommended as daily cleansing NOT peeling. 6. Avoid AHA, scrubs and other active ingredients that can irritate the skin. 7. Eat an anti-inflammatory diet before, during and after the pollen season, so that the body is better strengthened against inflammation. 8. Feel free to take oil as a dietary supplement, so that the skin is optimally moisturized from the inside when the pollen season dehydrates the skin. 9. Use creams that contain plenty of moisture and nourishment.

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Sådan gør du din hud klar til foråret

Blog – by Heidi Maltby

How to prepare your skin for spring

You may think that there is still a long time until spring and the light returns, but it is actually not that long. February is a short month and after that it goes fast. You can cleverly use the time to prep your skin and get it ready for the emerging sun and more outdoor life. Replace your weekly scrub with a more effective fruit acid peeling with 3IN1 A powerful papaya complex gives our 3IN1 a peeling effect, which is why you can also use 3IN1 as an enzyme peeling - in addition to daily cleansing. In this way, you get both the daily cleansing, the weekly peeling and the always necessary moisture. You will find that your skin is thoroughly cleansed and more moisturised, and after your weekly peelings, the skin has got rid of the dead skin cells that can give a slightly dry/rough surface. Contrary to a scrub, which primarily works on the surface, an enzyme peeling also creates tiny channels in the skin that allow moisture to better penetrate and penetrate the skin. And precisely the small channels are worth their weight in gold when the skin is currently exposed to changing temperatures in the form of being inside and outside. Through the small channels, you can moisturize the skin and nourish it with a good, moisturizing product afterwards. Read more about 3IN1 here. Allow yourself an extra moisture boost with the award-winning SERUM After your enzyme peel, it's still important to give it gas with plenty of moisture. Our award-winning SERUM gives your skin plenty of moisture through vitamins A, B3, C and E, while sea buckthorn's delicious content of omega 3 and 7 as well as vitamin E stimulates cell renewal and nourishes the skin. Get the glow back with mandarin, jojoba and coconut, and soothe your skin with the SERUMS high content of healing aloe vera juice. Apply to damp or dry skin. Give it gas with OIL and an optional beauty tool To give the skin plenty of nourishment, we recommend our OIL, which is packed with all the good fats and nutrients. Argan and sea buckthorn oil are full of important vitamins and antioxidants, while the exotic kukui nut is super moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, connective tissue-strengthening and wrinkle-preventive. As the icing on the cake, OIL contains another super antioxidant in the form of delicious, wild blueberries from Norway, which strengthens the elasticity and collagen level in the skin. After you have used the face oil, you can use a beauty tool to seal in the oil. If you are a beginner is a really nice face roller to start with . There you choose the stone you like best and then, with a light pressure, you roll it across your face. In this way, you strengthen the muscles and start the microcirculation. If you want to challenge yourself and work a little more on the connective tissue, you can use our gua sha stone. There you also choose the stone you like best, but here you have to scrape with the stone. It might feel a little strange to start with, but after a while you get used to it. Scrape outwards and upwards and feel how the blood circulation is really started. If you want to geek out about beauty tools and especially gua sha stones, we have made a 60 minute guide that shows and explains exactly how to use your beauty tools. You also get a free gua sha stone - read more here. Just because it's wrapped up right now, don't forget about it - the body After a nice warm bath, perhaps with an effective body scrub, you can use our moisturizing and nourishing BODY BUTTER. It is non-greasy and has a rich and soft texture, thanks to its high content of kukui nut oil. You get lots of moisture and regenerating properties with the help of the added aloe vera juice, while the content of antioxidant ginger promotes the skin's elasticity. And voila, you've prepared your skin for the fact that it's almost spring!

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SMUK skincare og bæredygtighed

Blog – by Heidi Maltby

BEAUTIFUL skincare and sustainability

Maybe you know our brand from ads or SoMe - maybe you just noticed us in a store and want to know more. If so - welcome! We are a small company that cares deeply about ecology and sustainability. We care about the planet and have therefore primarily chosen Nordic ingredients for our skincare products, so that we can minimize freight, transport and CO2. For the same reason, we have our products produced in Denmark, while we are super selective with the individual ingredients we feel are necessary to source from abroad. Beauty universe with recycled materials We have recently added Beauty sleep masks and Beauty bags to our beauty universe. The fabrics for the two products are recycled and come from vintage kimonos from Japan. The silk fabric is transported to Denmark and upcycled in Frederiksberg, where our store is located. In this way, we always have control over working conditions for the seamstresses who help complete our products. No outer packaging and FSC-labeled tissue paper If you have bought one or more of our products, you may have noticed that we do not use outer packaging. In principle, this means that there is never cardboard, cardboard or plastic around the products - we believe in not polluting the world further and that our products stand cleaner on their own. That way, you can always read more about our ingredients on the product itself or on our website, and you therefore don't have to throw away useless packaging. Of course, we always wrap your product nicely before you get it in a bag. For this, we always use uncoloured FSC-marked tissue paper, which ensures that no more wood is felled than the forest can reproduce and that animals and plant life are protected. The people who work in the forest are also guaranteed proper wages, training and safety equipment. Miron glass The violet Miron glasses that we use for our SERUM, OIL, LIGHT and RICH, GOLDEN MOMENTS, CREAM and SOAP and COOLING LIP BALM allow only the good and beneficial rays of the sun to penetrate. In this way, the vitamins in the products stay fresh for a longer period of time and we can therefore conserve less, as the vitamins themselves are preservatives. Miron glass is also recyclable and thus also part of our sustainable philosophy.

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Ny og forbedret udgave af SOAP & CREAM med mere økologi og aloe vera juice

Blog – by Heidi Maltby

New and improved version of SOAP & CREAM with more ecology and aloe vera juice

One of our absolute favorite pairs is our SOAP & CREAM. Both because these are products that are often used several times a day, especially in a Corona time, but also because both products complement each other really well. SOAP SOAP is a caring hand soap that leaves the skin clean and soft. It neither dries out nor irritates, as it is COMPLETELY free of SLS and SLES. It is full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and essential fatty acids that really protect your skin. We have refrained from using the foaming and not particularly environmentally friendly SLS and SLES ingredients, which i.a. can cause skin irritation and replaced it with the shell of a coconut. That way, we harm neither you nor the environment, and you get a hand soap that foams just as much as any other, but with more environmentally friendly ingredients. Read more about SOAP right here.  CREAM CREAM is a caring hand cream that leaves your hands thoroughly moisturized and protected against wind and weather. It is filled with delicious oils such as kukui nut oil, tangerine and ginger, all of which are good for healing the skin and rich in vitamins A, C and E. The added cocoa butter softens the skin, so you can easily massage the CREAM into the skin without it becoming greasy. Read more about CREAM here. New and improved formula of both SOAP & CREAM We have improved both products so that you now get even more for your money. In CREAM, aloe vera juice has now been added instead of water, which i.a. has meant that the organic percentage has increased from 7% to 74%. SOAP has a thicker consistency, so you don't need to use as much at a time to get clean hands.

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Er du til det kolde gys eller synes du bare det er en hypet tendens?

Blog – by Heidi Maltby

Are you into the cold chill or do you just think it's a hyped trend?

Over the years, some wild trends appear all the time. A few years ago, everyone had to go out and run a Marathon, which was previously only for the wildest athletes. And in this time of Corona, almost everyone has started walking 10,000 steps a day, while probably the most popular thing you find on social media at the moment is winter bathing - despite the fact that it has always existed. Personally, I wish I had been on the wave of running a Marathon, but a knee operation has not made this challenge possible, and it is very time-consuming and in reality not particularly healthy for the body. However, I believe that it strengthens and moves one's psyche a lot. Have you run a Marathon? Never in my professional life have I had as much "free time" as when both of my stores were forced to close. The 10,000 steps has clearly been tested and I have to admit that I like it a lot :-) But it is time consuming, so it will be difficult to achieve once my shops reopen. I definitely think that my daily walks do something good for my mind. Exercise also gives it, but it's not the kilos that show it - even if I walk fast. Michelle Kristensen has recently told about the background for the 10,000 steps in Go' evening Denmark - the phenomenon comes from when the pedometer was invented in the 60s in Japan. Here everyone was encouraged to participate in an event where you had to walk a minimum of 10,000 steps. Subsequently, it has almost become a sign of health if you walk 10,000 steps a day :-) Do you get to walk 10,000 steps a day? I'm the biggest frostbite and hate anything that makes my body cold. It must be said that I suffer to a fairly high degree from something called Reneau syndrome. Here you get completely white fingers and toes, which hurt a lot - not least when the fingers and toes get warm again. That's why you see me wearing giant gloves from October to April with warmth in them. Over the years, many have enticed me to try winter bathing, but I have always refused - just at the thought of voluntarily freezing. In November 2020, my sister-in-law (who is a hardcore winter bather) persuaded me to try going in the water. It was approx. 6-7 degrees both above and below the water. I only did it because all our kids wanted to do it too and because there was a sauna which was said to be the finishing touch according to my sister-in-law. I thought it was really cold and even though we went in the water 2 times and in the sauna 2 times and everyone thought it was great, I wasn't thrilled at all. It didn't give me the kick everyone is talking about - and why expose yourself to the cold? When I subsequently talked to people about it, the answer was often that the water had not been cold enough at 6-7 degrees. The other day a friend asked if I wanted to try winter swimming. She had only tried it once before and wanted to do it with a newbie. Wow, that was difficult, because it's not something I think about myself, but in these crazy times I need something different to happen than what usually happens in my life. So I said yes on the coldest day of the year. Minus 4 degrees and windy (felt like minus 10 degrees). But the sun was shining and the company was top notch. We had all the right 'equipment' with us, and then we just had to turn off our brains and throw ourselves into it. On the jetty we meet some hardcore winter bathers (both older and younger ladies). They start by saying that it is the coldest they have experienced in a very long time (after all, we had a warm winter last year) and that it was very brave of us to go in, if we had never tried it before. Now it was at this point that I thought "drop it, stay sitting in the sun and enjoy your coffee with warm fingers", but the devil got to me and within a relatively short time I was lying in the icy water. Was it a pleasure? No, damn NO, it was freezing cold, but the worst part was getting out of the water while your hands were frozen solid in 2 seconds, so you could hardly take off your bathing suit and put your warm clothes back on. Well, it hurt so bad. Afterwards we had a croissant, coffee and the sun right in our faces, and it was GREAT. The rest of the day I was tired - some say it may have something to do with one's life energies. Does anyone know anything about it? I simply don't think I'm the type to get a kick out of winter bathing - SORRY TO SAY - but that doesn't mean I won't try it again. If only the research could say unequivocally whether it is actually good for health, blood circulation, the heart, the skin and possible weight loss, etc., but after reading a lot about it, unfortunately it does not indicate that winter bathing can be scientifically documented as something positive on those parameters. Oh wow! However, it is believed that winter bathers have the opportunity to produce more brown fat, which burns the white fat (our unwanted fat stores). The heart primarily beats faster just before you dip into the cold water due to adrenaline, but no more than if you just have to catch the bus or drive through a yellow light and have to hurry. The same applies to blood circulation. However, it is healthy for our blood vessels to contract and expand again, which is what happens in the cold shiver. If you want to go swimming in the winter, it is probably mostly for the mental reason that you should do it. And hopefully research can definitively document a wide range of benefits from winter bathing - SOON:-) Now enjoy the cold weather, which has become brighter by a full 2 ​​hours. Feel free to send us pictures of the crazy things you're doing at the moment and hashtag #smukgørdigglad

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SERUM - din bedste ven til tør vinterhud

Blog – by Heidi Maltby

SERUM - your best friend for dry winter skin

2021 is finally a reality and we are looking forward to a brand new year with lots of new opportunities and experiences that are just waiting to be fulfilled. You have hopefully had a wonderful Christmas and a festive New Year - perhaps you have slacked off a little on the regular skin care routines and the nutritious and healthy diet? One of the things that the skin is almost 100% sure to lack is moisture. It lacks moisture because we forgot to drink lots of water and because we have been indoors more than outdoors. And then because we may have forgotten to moisturize the skin with some of our good and effective products. SERUM One of our best selling products is the SERUM. It won the award for 'Best Danish Product' at the Danish Beauty Awards 2017 and is therefore also a bit of a favorite among some of you. SERUM feels like a mixture between a serum and an oil and is full of vitamins A, B3, C and E. Due to the high content of vitamins, it can boost and restore your skin's natural moisture balance. Sea buckthorn contains omega 3 and 7 and vitamin E stimulates the skin's cell renewal and gives the skin plenty of nourishment. Mandarin, jojoba and coconut together form a strong and powerful vitamin C complex that gives your tired winter skin plenty of glow and elasticity, while aloe vera juice has a healing and soothing effect. Use : Use it in the morning on a cleansed face - warm 2-3 drops in your hands before applying and give yourself a good facial massage that starts blood circulation from the morning.

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SMUK signaturbehandling - tid til dig selv og dine behov i december?

Blog – by Heidi Maltby

BEAUTIFUL signature treatment - time for yourself and your needs in December?

Christmas is just around the corner, which can mean that many of us are facing a really busy time. There will be Christmas fun and gifts bought, and perhaps family trips over Christmas and New Year must also be planned. At the same time, it is a dark and often cold time that characterizes the month of December - it is often dark when you get up and when you go to bed. The energy level may also not be the same as it is in the summer, and December can therefore easily become more of a nuisance than a joy. Me time So - we think it is appropriate that you also prioritize yourself and your needs? It can be all sorts of different things you deal with, as long as you relax, get into gear and get your mind at ease. Some prefer a long and refreshing walk, others dream of lying on the sofa with a cup of tea and a good book/series or maybe take a trip to the swimming pool and then sauna. We have put together a treatment that really exudes me-time and calm for the nervous system. It gives you plenty of space to relax and afterwards you are refueled with warmth and a glowing, vital skin. BEAUTIFUL signature treatment All products in the treatment are developed and manufactured in Denmark and are organic, sustainable and natural. During the treatment, various complex techniques are used that stimulate and process the many layers of the skin. The face is worked through using in-depth facial massage and gua sha stones, which work on the connective tissue and stimulate the lymphatic system. Hot stones are a fantastic source of heat in the cold weather and they warm your body through, so that the blood circulation can run freely and the heat spreads to the whole body. And warmth goes so well with being relaxed - right into the muscles. Your organ zones are processed under the feet to more easily stimulate the skin from within. Finally, the acupressure points on the face are stimulated so that your skin is left moisturized with fewer lines and even more glow. The treatment lasts 105 relaxing minutes and costs DKK 1495 - read more about the treatment  right here.

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Julegaveidéer fra SMUK skincare

Blog – by Heidi Maltby

Christmas gift ideas from SMUK skincare

Christmas is just around the corner and we are so looking forward to seeing all the beautiful Christmas lights on the streets and alleys. And of course, we are also looking forward to everything else that comes with December, such as glögg, apple slices, Christmas cheer and Christmas presents. We've rounded up a few of our favorite products that will really bring joy under the Christmas tree. All the selected products are multi-products that can be used in several ways. GOLDEN MOMENTS A thoughtful little Christmas present or Advent present for her who has everything, but still lacks a little sparkle in everyday life. GOLDEN MOMENTS cares for, protects and moisturizes your dry winter lips with a multitude of delicious oils. Smells mildly of ginger and tangerine, and then it can be used anywhere else on the body/face where a little glitter might be needed. Blue. as a regular part of a healthy and organic makeup routine - dab a little on the cheekbones, in the inner corner of the eye, on the cupid's bow or under the outermost, thinnest part of your eyebrows. In this way, elements of the face that could easily use a little shine are highlighted. When the weather gets milder, GOLDEN MOMENTS can also be used on the collarbone, chest and rounding of the shoulders. Read more or buy GOLDEN MOMENTS here. 15 ml. DKK 179 OIL If there's anything our skin needs over the winter, it's plenty of nourishment and plenty of moisture. The cold air dries out the skin at the same time that we spend a lot of time indoors, which also helps to dry out the skin. Maybe we don't drink enough water either? Remember the good vitamins and nutritional supplements, and put everything into effective and moisturizing skin care. OIL is therefore an excellent Christmas/Advent gift, as it is suitable for all skin types - even the oilier ones. Our oil is composed of several different oils, all of which have a small molecular size, which means that the oil easily penetrates into the skin. It therefore does not lie around and get greasy. Filled with antioxidants and vitamins Argan and sea buckthorn oil are packed with vitamins and antioxidants - argan oil keeps, among other things, on the moisture, while a single sea buckthorn berry contains as many C vitamins as a whole orange. Kukui nut oil is anti-inflammatory, connective tissue-strengthening and has a preventive effect on wrinkles. The delicious, wild blueberries from Norway strengthen the elasticity and the colleague level in the skin and they are a very powerful antioxidant. OIL is perfect for morning and evening use and if you don't like the delicious and slightly oily feeling, you can put a few drops of oil in the day cream so that you still get the effect of all the good properties of the oil. Feel free to also use the oil on the dry cuticles on the hands and feet and dab the remaining oil into the dry ends of the hair. Read more or buy OIL right here. 50 ml. DKK 549 BEAUTY BEHIND A third Christmas/Advent gift idea is our newest initiative within sustainable textiles for the conscious woman. Beauty bag, like our Beauty sleep mask, is made from vintage silk kimonos from Japan. The silk fabric is beautiful and simple, and each individual Beauty bag is carefully selected based on texture, color and pattern. There is therefore only one of each Beauty bag - so you have to be quick if you have found a pattern that just suits you, sister, mother or friend. Upcycled in Frederiksberg So that we can follow the design process ourselves and ensure proper working conditions for the seamstresses, all the bags are upcycled in Frederiksberg. There are therefore no intermediaries beyond Japan and Frederiksberg. Internship & awards The beauty bag comes in two different sizes, and can therefore be used both as a practical make-up purse/toilet bag or as a nice clutch/party bag. You decide for yourself how it creates the most joy for you. The bags measure approx. 20x15 and 27x20, and has one large room for all the necessities. The bag closes with a fine zipper, which ensures that no contents fall out and get lost. Gently wash your Beauty bag on a wool wash at 30 degrees. See all the nice bags here. Small Beauty bag costs 475 k., while the large one costs 525 kroner. 3IN1 Just as our skin needs lots of nourishment over the winter, it also needs to be cleaned properly throughout. Away with dirt, pollution and all the dead skin cells that just lie on the surface and make the skin look dull. 3IN1 is the multi product that both saves you space and gives you three facial products in one. Firstly, 3IN1 is a daily cleanser that easily and effectively removes the day's dirt and any makeup residue. But 3IN1 can also function as an effective enzyme peeling that cleans in depth and removes dead skin cells. A powerful papaya complex ensures the exfoliating effect. A few times a week you clean off and then apply a good layer of 3IN1, which sits and tingles and works for 10-15 minutes. As a final bonus, 3IN1 is also a moisturizing mask, which means you don't need to use a separate moisturizing mask a few times a week. You are amply covered with 3IN1 and the base of cucumber and marine peptides from seashells that really hydrate and retain moisture.  Read more about 3IN1 here. 100 ml. DKK 329 ROSE QUARTZ FACE ROLLER Another multi-product that can also bring joy under the Christmas tree is a beauty tool. We have many different face rollers and gua shas, ​​but one of our favorite tools - and perhaps the one that suits Christmas, the feast of hearts, is the rose quarter face roller. For us, it symbolizes everything that Christmas is about - love for yourself and for others. Rose quartz symbolizes love, forgiveness, calm and harmony. The facial roller is used to stimulate the microcirculation and musculature in the face and to provide facial acupressure and lymphatic drainage. When you strengthen the microcirculation, you also strengthen the cell tissue. Your skin gets lots of glow from the increased blood flow. Use morning and evening on a cleansed face - feel free to put it in the fridge before use, so you really get the feeling of a fresh start to the day. See all our beauty tools incl. face rolls here. The rose quartz facial roller costs DKK 499. LIGHT & RICH Last but not least, we would like to give a shout out to our newest products, the two face creams, LIGHT & RICH. They can both be used morning and evening and contain a natural SPF15, so you don't have to worry about sunscreen in the dark months when the sun's rays are still peeking out. Both creams contain a prebiotic marine complex that moisturises, nourishes and tightens, while brown and green algae ensure the right balance in the skin. Oils from sea buckthorn, wild blueberries and coconut give the skin plenty of glow and suppleness while helping the skin's resistance to ageing. Red willow bark is added to inhibit inflammation in the skin and thus makes the creams particularly suitable for people with eczema or acne. Massage the creams well into the skin so that the skin is thoroughly moisturised afterwards. LIGHT is recommended for normal/combination skin while RICH is recommended for normal/mature skin. 50 ml. DKK 499

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TANG - havets vidundermiddel

Blog – by Heidi Maltby

SEAWEED - the wonder of the sea

We know that more and more of you demand natural ingredients in your skin care. And preferably ingredients that have a visible and noticeable effect. One of the ingredients that is actually found in Denmark and that you can easily grab and make use of is.... seaweed! The wonder remedy of the sea, which can both be eaten and do a lot of good in your skin care products. Isn't seaweed something that lies on the beach and in the ocean? Yes, but it also has a lot of fantastic properties if you eat it or choose to put it in your skin care. Or we do it for you. Seaweed "communicates" with our cells, as our cell membranes are similar. When the cells come into contact, a change occurs so that our cells can absorb all the good elements from the seaweed or algae extract, as it is also called. Seaweed and algae contain 10 times as many minerals as any plant on land and are full of vitamins, antioxidants, proteins and fatty acids. Algae extract also has an antibacterial and detoxifying effect, which has a regenerative effect while retaining moisture in the skin. LIGHT & RICH is filled with seaweed Did you know that our latest products, the face creams LIGHT & RICH, are filled with the goodness of the sea? In the form of a prebiotic marine complex that i.a. consists of brown and green algae. And in addition also marine saccharides, which are a so-called packed lunch for the good bacteria in the skin. The marine complex moisturizes the skin and reduces redness and irritation thanks to the brown algae that, among other things, is known for being able to stimulate blood circulation locally as well as tighten and smooth the skin with a calming effect. The green algae, also called green caviar, has a high content of vitamins A, C and E, increases the skin's elasticity and fights lines and wrinkles. And - then they protect against the harmful free radicals. Try them As you may have already guessed, we are quite proud that our creams are packed with the super-ingredients from the sea - nature itself, which does not require extensive processing or long transport and thus also CO2 emissions. We recommend you to try LIGHT or RICH, or both, to really see and feel the effect on YOUR skin. We also love rice and praise, so please write to us if you have comments about our products. ATTENTION! We also have red seaweed in our SERUM for the firming effect and ability to retain moisture in the skin.

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